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Færdig kamp: BIG vs. Cloud9

IEM Dallas 2022IEM Dallas 2022OversigtOversigt over begivenhedercounterstrikecounterstrikeBIG2.9704.06.22 15:30Bo31:2counterstrikecounterstrikeCloud91.418
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0% Cloud9 WIN


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perepelovskyperepelovskyCloud9 Vil vindeVi lukker semifinalerne i IEM Dallas 2022 sammen med forudsigelsen for kampen BIG — Cloud 9.Læs analyser

Om kampen

Kampen BIG vs Cloud9 i disciplinen Counter-Strike (CS2) blev afholdt den 04.06.2022 at 19:30 i formatet BO3.

Kampen Counter-Strike (CS2) mellem BIG og Cloud9 blev afholdt inden for rammerne af IEM Dallas 2022. Bookmakerne forudsiger, at Cloud9 vinder med 1.418. For flere forudsigelser, se siden med forudsigelser.

Vinderen af Counter-Strike (CS2)-kampen var holdet Cloud9 med scoren 1:2 og varede 3 h, 18 m.

Resultater af alle møder med BIG og Cloud9 i disciplinen Counter-Strike (CS2).

Modstandere BIG Cloud9
EGamersWorld bedømmelse 5.76 7.22
Den nuværende stime 3 lose 2 lose
Sejre i de seneste 5 kampe 2 1
Antal sejre i de seneste 10 kampe 3 4
Antallet af sejre i direkte møder 3 7

Flere detaljer om møderne mellem BIG og Cloud9 kan findes i historien om kampe mellem BIG og Cloud9.


What are the results of the previous meetings between the BIG and Cloud9?
  • The BIG and Cloud9 teams have matched up 10 times
  • BIG won 3 times
  • Cloud9 won 7 times
  • Last time the teams met on 26.01.24 19:55 (UTC)
What are the predictions of the outcome of the match between BIG and Cloud9?

According to bookmakers' forecasts, Cloud9 has a better chance of winning.

Bookmakers' odds:

  • BIG - 2.97
  • Cloud9 - 1.418
What is a match in CS 2?
A match in CS 2 is a series of rounds between two teams: terrorists and counter-terrorists. Each team has specific objectives based on the game mode, like Hostage Rescue or Bombing. Matches can be public online games or part of professional tournaments with large prizes.
How long does a CS 2 match last?
The duration of a CS 2 match depends on factors like game mode, number of rounds, and player skill. Matches typically last 30 to 60 minutes. Hostage Defense/Rescue games are usually shorter than Bombing mode games. Professional matches can last longer due to strategic approaches and tactic discussions.
What are the conditions for winning in CS 2?
In CS 2, victory depends on the game mode. In Hostage Defense/Rescue, the counter-terrorists win by freeing the hostages or killing all the terrorists. In Bomb Detonation, the counter-terrorists win by destroying the bomb or killing all the terrorists, and the terrorists win by detonating the bomb or killing all the counter-terrorists.
Where can I place a bet on a CS 2 match?
Players can place bets on CS 2 matches at online bookmakers or gaming platforms, predicting various aspects like match winners, rounds, and individual player achievements. Before betting, carefully read the terms and conditions of each bookmaker or platform and adhere to responsible gambling principles.
What guarantees the integrity of matches in CS 2?
In CS 2, the integrity of matches is ensured through cheating and doping controls, strict tournament rules, and active community engagement. These measures help to maintain the integrity of the game and the trust of players.
What are the rules for CS 2 matches?
Matches in CS 2 take place in accordance with the rules of the game established by the developers and the rules of the tournaments established by the organizers of the competition. These rules define the conditions of the game, mechanics, restrictions, and ethical standards for participants.
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