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EGamersWorld/VALORANT/Begivenheder/Kampe/E-Xolos LAZER VS 19esports

E-Xolos LAZER VS 19esports

VALORANT Challengers 2024: LAN Split 1VALORANT Challengers 2024: LAN Split 1OversigtOversigt over begivenhedervalorantvalorantE-Xolos LAZER1.1213.03.24 18:00Bo32:0valorantvalorant19esports5.3
Forudsig resultatet af kampen, og få en præmie!
0% E-Xolos LAZER WIN
0% 19esports WIN

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Om kampen

Kampen E-Xolos LAZER vs 19esports i disciplinen VALORANT blev afholdt den 13.03.2024 at 22:00 i formatet BO3.

Kampen VALORANT mellem E-Xolos LAZER og 19esports blev afholdt inden for rammerne af VALORANT Challengers 2024: LAN Split 1. Bookmakerne forudsiger, at E-Xolos LAZER vinder med 1.12. For flere forudsigelser, se siden med forudsigelser.

Vinderen af VALORANT-kampen var holdet E-Xolos LAZER med scoren 2:0 og varede 0 s.

Resultater af alle møder med E-Xolos LAZER og 19esports i disciplinen VALORANT.

Modstandere E-Xolos LAZER 19esports
EGamersWorld bedømmelse 7.68 7.64
Den nuværende stime 4 win 7 lose
Sejre i de seneste 5 kampe 4 0
Antal sejre i de seneste 10 kampe 8 3
Antallet af sejre i direkte møder 1 2


What are the results of the previous meetings between the E-Xolos LAZER and 19esports?
  • The E-Xolos LAZER and 19esports teams have matched up 3 times
  • E-Xolos LAZER won 1 times
  • 19esports won 2 times
  • Last time the teams met on 18.11.23 00:30 (UTC)
What are the predictions of the outcome of the match between E-Xolos LAZER and 19esports?

According to bookmakers' forecasts, E-Xolos LAZER has a better chance of winning.

Bookmakers' odds:

  • E-Xolos LAZER - 1.12
  • 19esports - 5.3
What is a match in VALORANT?
A match in VALORANT is a competition between two teams aiming to achieve specific objectives on the game map. Teams compete by completing tasks like eliminating enemy players, destroying enemy objects (Bomb Mode), or holding control points (Dispatch Mode). The team that first reaches the objective or earns the required points wins the match.
How long does a VALORANT match last?
The duration of a match in VALORANT varies by game mode and team skills. Typically, a match in "Explosive Bomb" mode lasts around 20-40 minutes, depending on how quickly a team wins the required number of rounds. In Dispatch mode, matches can be shorter or similar in length, depending on the teams' success in controlling points on the map.
What are the conditions for winning a VALORANT match?
In VALORANT, the conditions for victory depend on the game mode. In Explosive Bomb mode, the Attack team wins if they successfully plant a bomb or eliminate all players on the Defense team. The Defending team wins if they successfully eliminate all Attack players or prevent the bomb from being placed. In Send mode, a team wins by controlling points on the map and earning a certain number of points.
Where can I place a bet on a VALORANT match?
Currently, betting on VALORANT matches is available at various bookmakers and gaming platforms specializing in esports. These platforms offer bets on VALORANT matches. Before placing bets, ensure you are using a reliable and legal platform to avoid potential issues with financial security or personal data misuse.
What guarantees the integrity of matches in VALORANT?
VALORANT ensures the integrity of matches through the implementation of anti-cheat technologies, regular system updates, stricter sanctions for violators and active participation of players in detecting unfair behavior and cheating.
What are the rules for VALORANT matches?
Matches in the VALORANT game are conducted in accordance with a number of rules governing various aspects of the game. These rules include aspects such as time limits per round, team composition, character selection, game mechanics, and mode lenses. They are designed to ensure a fair and equitable game for all participants.
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